Sunday, 13 March 2011

Shoot, Beautify and Share your now?

Like the majority of people, i too do not know what this means. Although the idea of looking flawless in all my Facebook pictures is appealing, being honest i still just want my phone to text and make calls to people like it did in the old days.
It seems that this kind of new technology is an essential part of todays modern culture. Why? because we just can't help ourselves from signing in and seeing what other people have been up to. it seems we're obsessed by other peoples lives, as humans we're always looking for approval and guidance, we get this from our external reality also known as 'material reality'. We only move forward because everyone is a reflection of what they see. The media plays a huge part in this 'evolution' we're always bombarded with advertisements and clever coding convincing us that if we, i.e do or buy something our life will be more pleasant, easier, happier? Who decides this?

I have started reading Roland Barthes' Camera Lucidia and although i'm finding it a heavy read in terms of understand his philosohpy i'm begining to question images i'm seeing around me.
From reading up on him i ofcourse found a better explanantion of my above topic!

'Roland Barthes,  'felt that society is a construction, perpetuated by signs of the dominant values within its culture'.
I'm an admirer already :)

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