Monday, 15 August 2011


Feminism is defined as a series of movements still ongoing today that; establish and define the social, economical and political rights and equal opportunities for women. A feminist is a person of whose believes in equality amongst genders. It doesn’t mean you hate men! As men can be feminists too! It’s a myth that feminists are angry lesbians with hairy legs.

Feminism is the recognition and gratitude to generations of women who have fought to have equal rights we overlook. It’s easy to take for granted that women even have the right to vote.

What is said to be the first wave of feminism was a movement during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in the UK and the US. It focused on establishing equal political, contract, marriage, parenting and property rights for women. The second wave being between the early 1960’s and late 1980’s this focused on women cultural status and to question idealised domesticity, forcing women into a strict housewife and mother role. Establishing unofficial inequalities women experienced in their day to day life. The third wave started in the early 1990’s and is still on going today.

Being a woman I feel appreciative that i live the way I do today. I couldn’t imagine a world where I was not equal to a man. I would say I was a feminist as I think its very important that both men and women are treated equally in every aspect possible. Yet I also think that it shouldn’t be an aggressive battle of the sexes. I like to appreciate that, men and women are different, as both genders have their strengths and weaknesses. 
Because lets face it there are just some things in this world that women can do better than men and vice versa!

‘The man brings the seed, but a woman won’t forget the compost’

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